The official VR headset Oculus Go, launched by Facebook, is now available at cheaper rates. In recent news, Facebook has revealed that the VR headset will be available at $50 more affordable rates. Facebook has permanently cut fifty dollars from the Virtual Reality headset’s actual price.
Oculus Go is at present priced at one hundred forty-nine dollars. This price is about fifty dollars less from its actual market price.
Oculus Go VR Headset
Xiaomi and Facebook have put their combined efforts to manufacture Oculus Go. The main motive behind Oculus Go is to create a good quality VR headset at an affordable price. Oculus Go is a low-cost headset. It can easily support three hundred sixty degree games, videos, and movies. Also, Oculus Go is efficient enough for other VR experiences as well.
The best thing about Oculus Go is that it does not have to depend on a phone to function. This feature seen in other virtual reality headsets, which are present as Oculus Go’s competitors in the market.
The Oculus Go has a snapdragon 821 processor to maintain its smooth functioning. It does not require any hand or head monitoring.
Therefore the user can operate it very quickly and smoothly. The Oculus Go shares a similar visual experience as other popular devices.
For example, the Samsung Gear and Daydream by Google are the most recommended VR headsets. Oculus Go gives a similar experience as Daydream by Google and Samsung Gear. Also, the content library of Oculus Go is wealthy as compared to other devices.
With the technological advancements now, the VR headsets no longer require head or hand monitoring. Hence, the phone-based virtual reality headsets are disappearing slowly. Presently the phone-based VR headsets are very least demanded by consumers. Because of the messy situation, they create.
When a phone connected to a VR headset, then the user cannot indulge in hand or head movements. Also, there is a constant fear that the phone will fall inside the headset’s cavity. Sometimes the adjustable clips on the sides put pressure on the power and volume buttons and create trouble.
Oculus Go permanent $50 price cut
So, every time this happens, the user has to re-adjust the phone. Additionally, every time a VR or three hundred sixty degree video ends, then the user has to switch to the next video manually. The whole experience with phone-based VR headsets is problematic.
Significantly both the VR headsets by Google as well as Samsung are phone-based. Samsung Gear has adjustable clips for adjusting the lens as well. It used to improve the lens as per the user’s convenience.
One of the biggest problems with Samsung Gear is its adjustable clips. These clips hinder the volume buttons and the power button. So, the bottom line is that no one wants these phone-based VR headsets anymore.
These phone-based virtual headsets are moving towards an end. Therefore, a more futuristic option is Oculus Go. But, Oculus Go has its limitations. It cannot support complex functionality or high definition visuals. For example, it will not help games like half-life Alyx. It is a first-person shooting-based virtual reality game.
Facebook Oculus Go
The price cut by Facebook will be beneficial both ways. Along with the price cut of Oculus, Go Facebook is also set to launch a new virtual reality headset. The new VR headset called Oculus Quest.
The brand new Oculus quest is much more advanced than its predecessor. It will also be compatible with PCs. With new features, the Oculus series VR headsets will be everyone’s favorite. With the new Oculus, Quest, Facebook has indicated what their next step will be in terms of technology.